World Accreditation Day

World Accreditation Day

According to the report of  IACLD, the International Accreditation Day of 1401 corresponding to 2022 was celebrated virtually by IACLD and interested parties and stakeholders and in a ceremony coordinated by regional and international accreditation Forums. participated.

World Accreditation Day is a global initiative created by ILAC and IAF to promote the value of accreditation and is celebrated on Khordad 19 or June 9 every year by accreditation bodies across the globe.

This year's theme is Accreditation: Sustainability in Economic Growth and the Environment, which focuses on how accreditation supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


IACLD believes, among the goals of sustainable development, the importance and role of accreditation in supporting public health and improving the quality of health services in all economies can be viewed as global demand and the natural expectation of setting up such programs is to support the health system, and public health of communities is the most certain and primary individual and social rights in the current geography of the world, which is undoubtedly one of the main foundations of the pillars of sustainable development.

In observance of International Accreditation Day, IACLD, together with its peers and stakeholders, is trying to support the improvement of the quality of services in the field of healthcare by playing a role in providing accreditation services to medical laboratories.

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